Patient-Centred Holistic Care


Antenal Care

Dr. Zhognmei Liu and Dr.Ambreen Memon are both accredited from the Frankston Hospital as share care providers to look after normal pregnant women from conception to full term before delivery. Dr. Memon is also a share care provider for Mercey for Women.


Geriatrics and Palliative care

Our doctors look after our elderly patients. The practice nurses provide annual health assessments for people over 75 years old. Our doctors provide home visits with their patients who are under palliative care.


Men’s Health

  • STD check and management for men of all ages
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Prostate check
  • Management for Testosterone deficiency
  • Infertility screening
  • Semen check
  • Mental health for men


Mental Health

Our doctors are help deal with mental health issues. They are able to initial anti-depressive medications and monitor mod change. They are prepare mental health care plan and deal with the common issues such as Depression and anxiety, Bipolar affective disorder, psychosis , adult ADHD etc. Dr. Nadir Nahem has had specialist psychiatric training before entre General Practice.


Preventive Medicine

Doctors in this practice carry out routine performance asthma prevention, anxiety prevention, breast cancer screening, bowel cancer screen, diabetes diagnosis and prevention high cholesterol check, prostate cancer check, weight management.


Woman’s Health

Cervical screening and HPV prevention; contraception with oral pills or implanon ; menstrual problem, meno pause and medical termination of pregnancy.

Dr. Wendy also provides medical termination for women’s unplanned pregnancy.

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